Wahrnehmung von melodischer Ähnlichkeit in Fällen von Musikplagiarismus
Auf der Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen war das Hanover Music Lab durch Anna Wolf vertreten, die dort die Ergebnisse ihrer Masterarbeit, die von Dr. Daniel Müllensiefen betreut wurde, vorgestellt hat.
This study examines the perception of melodic similarity applied to cases of melodic plagiarism under a review of similarity measures. An implicit memory task (IMT) was designed to test the extent of the participants’ confusability of two similar melodies. The participants were able to distinguish between such melodies involved in cases with and without actual copyright infringement (AUC of .70). Many of the applied measures of similarity relate very well to the results, such as a Tversky feature-based measure (r = .591) and a weighted Edit Distance (r = .505) for the IMT, and Earth mover’s distance measures for the court decisions (AUC of .84).
Additionally, the participants’ perception of similarity was tested using an explicit ranking task which yielded challenging results due to i. e. an incongruency between similarity and court decision, however, the same similarity measures found to correlate well in the IMT also show promising results for this paradigm.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.06.2013
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